SRPSD Proud!

Recently Maureen Taylor (SRPSD Superintendent seconded to Ministry of Education) and First Nations and Metis Partnership Consultant Linda Greyeyes-Highway traveled to Regina to be honored by the Premier for their work with Help Me Tell My Story! [soliloquy id=”762″] To learn more about the Premiers Awards for Excellence  

PEG Grant Comes To Life!

SRPSD’s Grade 8 class at Arthur Pechey and Carlton’s Grade 10 Drama class teamed up to perform monologues that were prepared over the course of several weeks through the Program Enhancement Grant.  Grade 10 students from Carlton met and mentored Arthur Pechey’s Grade 8 students as they explored the skills of developing character and crafting

Feeding The Aardvark!

 SRPSD Shellbrook Public Elementary staff and students and families are excited to be working together on our writing goal for this year.  Our theme goes together with the mascot for our school – Ardie the Aardvark – and the ants that are building incredible ant hills of creative written work to feed Ardie’s hunger for

Meath Park is ready for the Federal Election!

SRPSD’s Meath Park Public School recently did their STUDENT VOTE with 85% voter turnout in their grade 7-12 classes.   Teachers Scott Hurl and Lorie Zbaraschuk oversaw the proceedings, along with some grade 12 volunteers. The democratic process is something our students are part of in many ways; whether they are 18 and are actually voting