What is a Learning Improvement Plan? The Learning Improvement Plan (LIP) is a school-level planning document that follows a format similar to that of the division Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP). The LIP is an important component of the Continuous Improvement Framework and has been designed as a support for schools in their strategic improvement planning.…
2024-2025 Accountability Reports
Human Resources Inclusive Education Learning Improvement Plans Maintenance Risk Management Stakeholder Engagement Student Learning Transportation
2023-2024 Accountability Reports
Human Resources Inclusive Education Learning Improvement Plans Maintenance Risk Management Stakeholder Engagement Student Learning Transportation
2022-2023 Accountability Reports
Human Resources Inclusive Education Learning Improvement Plans Maintenance Stakeholder Engagement Student Learning
2021-2022 Accountability Reports
Communications Human Resources Inclusive Education Learning Improvement Plans Maintenance Stakeholder Engagement Student Learning
2020-2021 Accountability Reports
Communications Human Resources Intensive Supports Learning Improvement Plans Maintenance Student Learning
2019-2020 Accountability Reports
Communications Human Resources Intensive Supports Learning Improvement Plans Maintenance Student Learning
2018-2019 Accountability Reports
Communications Human Resources Learning Improvement Plans Maintenance Student Learning Student Services
2017-2018 Accountability Reports
Communications Human Resources Learning Improvement Plans Maintenance Student Learning Student Services
2016-2017 Accountability Reports
Communications Human Resources Learning Improvement Plans Maintenance Student Learning Student Services
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