1. New Board Begins New Term
The recent board election, the formal declaration of office and the completion of the
Organizational Meeting marked the official beginning of the new term for the new SRPSD Board of Education. All 10 trustees are honoured to serve and are well equipped to provide strong and stable leadership for the next 4 years. At the Organizational meeting, the Board acclaimed Barry Hollick as Board Chair and elected Darlene Rowden as the new Vice-Chair. Following these elections, the Board established its standing committees and determined several other organizational items so it is fully ready for the new term, the imminent renewal of the strategic plan and the continued
delivery of excellence.

2. Focus on Student Learning
Student learning is a consistent focus for the Board and at its November 16 meeting, it took a deep dive into the student learning accountability reports. Superintendent Hingley presented achievement data in a number of areas and the Board reviewed and strategized ways to celebrate successes and address concerns. Supporting SCC’s involvement in the development and implementation of each school’s Learning Improvement Plan is one of the strategies the Board supports to strengthen the connection between school and home to improve student learning success.

3. Board Engages and Influences Provincial Association
November 25-26, 2020 will see the local SRPSD Board gather virtually with school boards from across the province at the Saskatchewan School Board Association’s (SSBA) Annual General meeting. The trustees from all provincial school divisions gather to debate issues and develop advocacy and action plans that will advance student learning on a provincial scale. SRPSD is privileged that local trustee Jaimie Smith-Windsor successfully represented the central constituency for the last several years and she will be seeking a position as vice-president of the SSBA. In addition to this local influence on the provincial association, the SRPSD Board submitted several resolutions that will be debated at the AGM. Local trustees look forward to the opportunity to learn from others and influence the educational direction of the province.

The Board hopes this brief update can provide information and promote communication. If you want further details about the Board and its meetings, you can find information at this link SRPSD Board Information or under the “About Us” tab at www.srsd119.ca. You are also encouraged to contact your local trustee:
We look forward to the connection!

SRPSD Board of Education 
Barry Hollick, Chair bhollick@srsd119.ca Arne Lindberg alindberg@srsd119.ca
Darlene Rowden,


drowden@srsd119.ca Alan Nunn anunn@srsd119.ca
Cher Bloom cbloom@srsd119.ca Jaimie Smith-Windsor jsmith-windsor@srsd119.ca
Bill Gerow bgerow@srsd119.ca Michelle Vickers mvickers@srsd119.ca
Grant Gustafson ggustafson@srsd119.ca Bill Yeaman byeaman@srsd119.ca