Prince Albert Community Mobilization Brochure

Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division CMPA:  Hub and COR

The Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division is part of CMPA: the Hub and the Centre of Responsibility (COR).  Ms. Colette Daelick is the Hub member from our Division who attends Hub meetings which occur every Tuesday and Thursday at 10:30 am. Dr. Shelley Storey-Humble, Education Representative, represents the Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division and the Prince Albert Roman Catholic Separate School Division at the COR and she also attends Hub meetings.   The Hub is designed to provide an integrated multi-agency approach to support those who are determined to be at acutely elevated risk across multiple human service providers within 48 to 72 hours.  All Saskatchewan Rivers Public Schools have access to the Hub.

Ms. Daelick presents Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division Education referrals to the Hub which is comprised of members from several human service agencies.  Those professionals determine if the referred student and/or student’s family is at acutely elevated risk, and upon that determination work together to support that student and/or their family.  If the referral is not considered to be at acutely elevated risk then the referral is discussed with the school again by either the Education Hub member or COR Education Representative.   Recommendations or ideas from the Hub are communicated to the school to help better support that student and/or their family. An Education Hub Referral Form can be found on our Website under Forms and Manuals, Student Support Services, Hub.

Community safety and wellness is everyone’s responsibility.  CMPA: Hub and COR

Please refer to the Prince Albert Community Mobilization Brochure found on this Website for more information and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to call Shelley at
(306)  765-2898.