The dynamic duo, Dave Lokinger and Ryan Hughes, have created an “Excellence for Every Learner” podcast. Each episode has SRSPD staff who come on and talk about their passion areas in education. Check the podcast out so you can learn how our school division is surrounded with energetic, passionate educators who inspire and make our world better every day.

You can access them:

On Spotify:

You do not need a paid Spotify account to listen; simply download the app to your device and search us by Excellence for Every Learner.

On Google Podcasts:

You do not need a paid account, simply click the link , then either search for Excellence for Every Learner and listen to episodes directly or from the same link, look on the left side and click to get the app and find the podcast once you have downloaded the app.

For future episodes, you will be able to access the podcast directly from SRPSD home page