1. Facilities Renewal in Progress
At its recent meeting, the Board received a report from its Facilities Committee, presented by Trustee Bill Yeaman, that outlined the progress on its facilities renewal process. The Board has contracted local architectural firm, AODBT, to provide an intensive review of all of the SRPSD facilities. The division’s maintenance team under Superintendent Mike Hurd’s leadership is known and respected around the province for its systematic and careful care of facilities and this review is part of that work. The external review will include structural and maintenance analysis as well as site visits and discussions with school teams about programming needs and use of space. Phase 1 of the 3-phase review process is expected to be completed by summer.

2. Advocacy and Engagement Highlighted in SRSC Report
The student trustees, Tia-Lee McCallum and Daniel Vidal, shared an extensive list of activities and events that have been planned by students for students in various SRPSD schools. The Board was impressed and appreciative of the variety of activities that included a mix of fun events and also attention to providing deeper support for student well-being. The SRSC report also provided an important context and included some similarities to the Board’s 2021-22 Advocacy Plan. The plan was presented by Vice-Chair Darlene Rowden and finalized during the same meeting. The student voice was clearly present in the Board’s advocacy targets that will focus on 1) Learning and Innovation and 2) Mental Health and Well-Being.

3. Dr. Chokani Shares Local Health Update
For over an hour, the SRPSD Board and Dr. Chokani, Medical Health Officer, discussed Public Health. Dr. Chokani provided general information about COVID-related data across the country and province and then spent significant time in conversation with trustees about local trends in the communities across the division, including the City of Prince Albert. The trustees appreciated Dr. Chokani’s candid and clear responses to questions about the threat of the Omicron virus, the effectiveness of vaccines, the response to transmission and testing and several other topics. Dr. Chokani expressed appreciation for the good work that schools have been doing, support for continued work between Health and Education and encouragement for everyone to continue to be vigilant with public health measures. Dr. Chokani will return for another update to the Board after Christmas.

The Board hopes this brief update can provide information and promote communication. Further details about the Board’s leadership and its meetings, at this link SRPSD Board Information, or under the “About Us” tab at www.srsd119.ca. You are also encouraged to contact your local Trustee.

We look forward to the connection!

SRPSD Board of Education
Barry Hollick, Chair bhollick@srsd119.ca Arne Lindberg alindberg@srsd119.ca
Darlene Rowden, Vice-Chair drowden@srsd119.ca Jaimie Smith-Windsor jsmith-windsor@srsd119.ca
Cher Bloom cbloom@srsd119.ca Alan Nunn anunn@srsd119.ca
Bill Gerow, bgerow@srsd119.ca Michelle Vickers mvickers@srsd119.ca
Grant Gustafson ggustafson@srsd119.ca Bill Yeaman byeaman@srsd119.ca