November 22-28 was Education Week in Saskatchewan, and École Debden Public School came up with a way to connect and build meaningful relationships with the elderly during these hard times. In the spirit of Christmas and the holiday season, our students are planning, creating and mailing thoughtful letters to elderly residents in our community and

WP Sandin Celebrated Education Week

Aardvarks dig mounds and burrow into the ground, or in Shellbrook’s case – the snow! During Education Week, we connected in new ways outside in our own cohorts building snow forts and sculptures as part of what turned into a large community snow playground! The collaborative team effort of the individual classrooms was amazing. Our

“Connecting and Learning In a New Way”

The restrictions with Covid-19 has challenged many educators to think outside the box for most everything in the classroom including curriculum and instruction. Spurred by a middle year teacher’s request, SRPSD’s Indigenous Perspectives consultant and coaches have facilitated “connecting and learning in a new way” with community Elder Liz Settee. Hour long weekly Microsoft Teams

Thank Your Bus Driver Today!

Today marks the beginning of Education Week in Saskatchewan and November 23, 2020, is Bus Driver Appreciation Day. SRPSD has an amazing group of people that bring students safely to and from school every day. Bus drivers are valuable and influential adults that our students interact with every day.  We appreciate the great work they


November 22-28, 2020, has been proclaimed as Education Week.  This year’s theme, Connecting and Learning in New Ways, recognizes the strength and leadership schools have shown as they quickly adapted and worked together to continue to connect during this unprecedented year. Education Week highlights the important role that schools play in our community and in

Board Meeting Highlights – November 16, 2020

1. New Board Begins New Term The recent board election, the formal declaration of office and the completion of the Organizational Meeting marked the official beginning of the new term for the new SRPSD Board of Education. All 10 trustees are honoured to serve and are well equipped to provide strong and stable leadership for

Distance Learning Centre

The Distance Learning Centre (DLC) has over 425 students from Kindergarten to grade 12. One of the goals of the DLC is to engage students in their learning through various online activities prepared by their teachers. We continually connect with our students and families on a daily basis through avenues such as emails, phone calls,

Remembrance Day – November 11, 2020

This week, schools within the Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division held their Remembrance Day ceremonies keeping in mind the COVID guidelines.  SRPSD thanks those who served our country.