1. Excellent Results of Annual Audit
Each year the Board contracts an external auditor to review the financial management and records of the division. At its recent meeting representatives from the auditing firm of MNP as well as representatives from the Office of the Provincial Auditor reported on the Board’s annual audit. Both the local auditor and the provincial auditor indicated that the SRPSD financial house is in good order. There was strong evidence of effective and appropriate financial management and accounting, and MNP issued a “clean audit” for the division. Both auditors commended CFO, Jerrold Pidborochynski, and the financial team for their careful work over the year and supportive work with the auditors during the audit process.

2. School Boards AGM Focuses on Parent Engagement
Local government week concluded with the Board attending (virtually) the Saskatchewan School Board’s Association Fall Assembly on November 14-16. The AGM was an opportunity for trustee learning and networking which further strengthens School Board governance. This year, the learning focus was on supporting parent engagement. SRPSD trustees learned about the long-standing and emerging research that clearly shows when parents are engaged in their child’s learning, the child is more successful in school and beyond. Trustees will use that research and information on successful practices to support staff and School Community Councils in enhancing parent engagement.

3. Pediatric COVID Vaccine Accessible in Several SRPSD Schools
The Board was pleased that the division’s partnership with Health has increased the availability of the vaccine to students and families. Ongoing work by SRPSD and the local public health team has resulted in school-based vaccine clinics for age 5 to 11-year-old children. Although the Board was concerned about the lack of access in rural areas, nearly half of SRPSD schools have scheduled voluntary vaccine clinics in the coming weeks. Work with Health continues to ensure all families have increased access to the vaccine. Vaccine clinics are voluntary and parent consent is required for all children age 5-12. Clinics are scheduled in schools during the afternoons and evenings so parents can accompany their child during the immunization process; parent/guardian presence is required for
children in Grade 4 or younger.

The Board hopes this brief update can provide information and promote communication. Further details about the Board’s leadership and its meetings, at this link SRPSD Board Information, or under the “About Us” tab at www.srsd119.ca. You are also encouraged to contact your local Trustee.

We look forward to the connection!

SRPSD Board of Education
Barry Hollick, Chair bhollick@srsd119.ca Arne Lindberg alindberg@srsd119.ca
Darlene Rowden, Vice-Chair drowden@srsd119.ca Jaimie Smith-Windsor jsmith-windsor@srsd119.ca
Cher Bloom cbloom@srsd119.ca Alan Nunn anunn@srsd119.ca
Bill Gerow, bgerow@srsd119.ca Michelle Vickers mvickers@srsd119.ca
Grant Gustafson ggustafson@srsd119.ca Bill Yeaman byeaman@srsd119.ca