1. Board Welcomes Students and Staff to New School Year

At its regular meeting on August 30, 2021, the Board conveyed its anticipation for the new school year and extended its welcome to new and returning students and staff.  Trustees commended the staff for ensuring schools are safe, welcoming spaces where learning is the focus and thanked parents who consistently support their children and schools.  The Board discussed the impact of the pandemic on learning and expressed the value of having the additional staff for Covid supports: 10 extra teachers, 2 coaches, 2 social workers and additional EA and Mentor supports.  These additional staff will support students in mental wellness and in addressing any unfinished learning caused by Covid disruptions.

  1. Schools are Ready for Learning in Covid Environment

The division’s plan for responding to current Covid realities has been on the minds of trustees for some time. The discussion SRPSD COVID Response Plan became more focused since the Ministry of Education’s revised guidance was released on August 20, 2021. At the recent meeting, the Board reiterated its view that taking advice from the Local Medical Health Officer and the public health team, helps to ensure medical-related decisions are informed by those with expertise.  The plan is clear and thorough, but the Board acknowledged that some parents are concerned about the requirement for students and staff to wear masks indoors at school.  Current advice recommends this approach to start the year, but the Board is committed to reviewing the plan on a regular basis.

  1. Strategic Plan 2021-2024 Confirmed

The development of the new strategic plan and efforts to make that a smooth and collaborative process were hampered by Covid, but the Board found alternative ways to hear the voice of students, staff, parents and community organizations.  The resulting plan reflects the Core Values, Mission and Vision of the Board while setting direction for the division.  It also acknowledges the current reality and looks to the post-pandemic future of the school division.  The five equivalent and aspirational priorities are: Learning and Innovation, Mental Health and Well-Being, Inclusion and Cultural Responsiveness, Citizenship and Relationships and Governance and Leadership.  Each priority are also has some focus areas identified and the full plan is available for everyone at www.srsd119.ca/publications-2/

The Board hopes this brief update can provide information and promote communication.  If you want further details about the Board and its meetings, you can find information at this link SRPSD Board Information or under the “About Us” tab at www.srsd119.ca.  You are also encouraged to contact your local trustee.

We look forward to the connection!


SRPSD Board of Education
Barry Hollick, Chair bhollick@srsd119.ca Arne Lindberg alindberg@srsd119.ca
Darlene Rowden,


drowden@srsd119.ca Jaimie Smith-Windsor jsmith-windsor@srsd119.ca
Cher Bloom cbloom@srsd119.ca Alan Nunn anunn@srsd119.ca
Bill Gerow, bgerow@srsd119.ca Michelle Vickers mvickers@srsd119.ca
Grant Gustafson ggustafson@srsd119.ca Bill Yeaman byeaman@srsd119.ca