Protocol and Guidelines

SRPSD Guidelines for Working with Indigenous Elders (includes Smudging Guidelines)

Classroom Resources

Online Indigenous Perspective Resources

Personnel Resources: Consultants and Coaches
Indigenous Perspectives Consultant:Theresa ThorsenFull Time
Indigenous Perspectives Coach:Shea PilonFull Time
Land-Based Learning Coach:Kevin SayeseHalf Time

SRPSD teachers feel free to contact any member of the Indigenous Perspectives Team directly with any questions and/or requests for support with authentically embedding First Nations and Métis ways of knowing in the classroom. Supports may include, but are not limited to inviting Elders/Traditional Knowledge Keepers with protocol, storytelling, facilitating land based learning experiences, resource sharing, planning, and co-teaching. We are willing to support all PreK to Grade 12 teachers in SRPSD schools. Contact us today!